République tchèque

Weather and climate for Prague & the Czech republic


Weather in Prague (Czech Republic)

This section presents the last weather reports for Prague, Czech Republic. For more information and the weather in other cities in the Czech Republic, please click on the banner.

Czech climate

- Temperate climate, with continental and oceanic influences

- Summers are hot and rainy, winters cold and snowy


Prague has a typical central European climate - hot summers, cold winters and rainfall spread evenly throughout the year. Hot spells can result in poor air quality and summer temperatures have been known to hit 35°C.

Winter temperatures can dip well below freezing with plenty of snow and ice. The city can look picture perfect after a snowfall. May and September are probably the best months for city sightseeing; pleasantly warm with lots of sunshine.


To go further

chmi.cz - Czech Hydrometeorologic Institute

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